World of Science Adventures with Forces Book

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Many thanks to the following:
Ruth and Kathy of World Scientific for guiding the whole process and editorial work.
Alan Bay for the comic art!
A/Prof Lim Tit Meng (CEO of Singapore Science Centre) and readers for your kind reviews of the book.
Interns Samantha Ong and Cheong Huey Ee for researching for information and helping to review and select relevant online videos
All who have helped in one way or another.

Adventures with Forces
The 80-page full coloured comic book is a collection of 11 absorbing stories of three families, their pets, and a time-travelling parrot as they explore the properties and application of forces. The book is packed with nuggets of interesting facts and is aligned with the MOE and Cambridge Science syllabus. The chapters look at various types of contact and non-contact forces and end up with looking at forces around us and how forces are used to do work for us:
May The Forces Keep You Going
A Travelling Tail
Contact Forces At Home
Fascinating Friction
Mr Elastic's Museum
Acting From Afar
Fun At The Space Centre
Electrifying Levitation
Forces Of Nature
A Show Of Force
The following are relevant learning resources associated with the title. . .
G forces on F1 driver
Centripetal and Centrifugal force
Bouyancy and Archimedes principle
Normal Force
Elasticity - deformation and plastic deformation
Orbit and misconception of zero gravity, explained by an astronaut
Electromagnetism and application in maglev train.
How Tsunamis Work
The Mysterious Way Spiders Can Walk On Walls And Why You Can’t
How does an eagle fly?
How do Pulleys Work?
How Does A Car's Engine Work?